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By Ramsha Nayab

7 March, 2023

What Your Zodiac Sign Says About You?

Aries 21st March – 19th April

You're tenacious and don't get scared. You like to take risks, try new experiences and get an adrenaline rush.

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Taurus 20th April – 20th May

Taurus is an Earth sign making you practical, stoic and grounded. Your friends are important to you and, once you get close with someone, you are fiercely loyal.

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Gemini 21st May – 20th June

You are affectionate and curious and, as you're an Air sign, you are smart, sharp, quick-learning and adaptable. You are analytical but you can still be impulsive and erratic.

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Cancer 21st June – 22nd July

Your level of emotional depth, understanding and compassion is unrivalled. You put yourself in other people's shoes. You listen – like, properly listen – and you keep their secrets.

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Leo 23rd July – 22nd August

You are self-confident and entertaining. Being centre stage doesn't often bother you, whether that's with mates at a party or with colleagues at work. You like to take command. 

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Virgo 23rd August – 22nd September

You have high standards and you know how things should be done. So yes, you're a bit of a control freak. It's your way or the highway.

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Libra 23rd September – 22nd October

You're an over-thinker which makes you indecisive. You've probably had an exasperated, 'Will you just pick one already?!' aimed your way. 

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Scorpio 23rd October – 21st November

There are MANY different sides to you, Scorpio. On the surface, you're a ball-buster; confident and set in your ways. But underneath it all, you're incredibly emotional

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Sagittarius 22nd November – 21st December

You hate being contained or told what to do. You're restless and love going to new places. You've made some bad decisions in your time.

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Capricorn 22nd December – 19th January

You're a workaholic.  You're driven by success and power which can be both a good and a bad thing. You're smart with an impressive strength of character.

Credit: Canva

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