Top 10 Things You’ve Never Heard about Nomadic Lifestyle

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Nomads range from the tribes of Mongolia to the steppe people of Central Asia and the Bedouin people of the Middle East and North Africa.

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Nomads are actually a global community of people

Nomads are known for their resourcefulness since they must survive in harsh environments with limited resources

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How Nomads Can Survive in the Cloud

Nomadic life is incredibly diverse, with some nomads living off the land while others rely on their skills.

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Nomads often practice a unique form of democracy, with decisions and laws made by a consensus of the community

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Nomads have often handled conflict resolution and human rights issues better than more formal governments

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Nomads often rely on bartering and trading goods, rather than using cash. This allows them to stay independent and mobile.

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Many people have the misconception that the nomadic lifestyle is always a struggle, but that isn't always the case.

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You Can Still Live Comfortably

Every culture and country has their own rules and customs that must be respected. Do your research before visiting a new place to learn about their laws and customs

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There Are Rules and Customs to Follow

Nomads usually travel in groups, sometimes even across continents

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Nomads often partake in communal activities such as music and art, as well as communal meals

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