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By Ramsha Nayab
Feb 7, 2023
Confusion: "I don't know what to do."
When you hear this voice, find your center first. Then, if you're still perplexed, embrace this sensation. Maintain full awareness of the confusion. It'll pass. And then there will be clarity.
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To overcome neurotic Fear, acknowledge it, allow yourself to feel it, and act. We must do what we fear to overcome neurotic Fear.
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Fixed Mindset: "I'm afraid I'll fail or look stupid."
People with a fixed mindset believe their talents, abilities, and intelligence are predetermined at birth. People with fixed mindsets are afraid of trying new things because they want to appear intelligent and talented despite their lack of experience. Change your fixed Mindset if you hear this voice.
Credit: Canva
Close your eyes for a moment. Keep an eye on your breathing. Accepting lethargy is frequently the most effective way to overcome it. You can also try grounding exercises to help you release your energy. If that doesn't work, a 60-second cold shower changes our biochemistry and wakes us up.
Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva
Having regrets is a part of adulthood. Regret only holds us back when we don't allow ourselves to grieve the past. When you hear this voice, feel the sense of loss and then let it go. These voices are just beliefs, not truths.
Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva