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Things I Wish I Knew About Love and Dating in My Early 20s

By Ramsha Nayab

Jan 24,2023

You're not "wasting your time" if you don't know whether or not you want to end up with the person you're dating. How can you know if you really want to be with someone without giving it a try?

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But you might be wasting your time if you know the person you're with has no intention of staying with you forever. Don't hang around because you think you can convince someone to like you. Don't assume someone is going to change.

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If someone wants to be with you, they will be with you. You won't have to convince them or force them or annoy them. You won't have to listen to excuses like "I'm too busy for a relationship".

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And it's definitely not worth it to stay with someone who makes you cry. You deserve to be happy, and there are plenty of people out there who would do the opposite of causing your tears.

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If you have a gut feeling that your significant other isn't the one, listen to it. The minute you start to feel uneasy about your relationship, take action

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Don't compare your love life to anyone else's. It doesn't matter if you feel like "everyone is single" or "everyone is in a relationship." You need to do you. If it takes you longer than your friends to find that special someone, then so be it.t.

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It's never too early to start talking about what you want in life with your partner. You might find out after dating for five years that one of you wants kids and the other doesn't.

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