How Playing Self-Determination Theory changed Your Life

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Developed my confidence

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By playing Self Determination Theory he was able to challenge himself to take on activities outside of his comfort zone. This enabled him to develop confidence in his abilities.

Improved my problem-solving skills

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Self Determination Theory gave me the tools to assess and solve problems in a logical and strategic way. This has helped me to be more efficient and proactive when it comes to problem-solving

Gained creative insight

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Playing Self Determination Theory allowed me to unlock my creative potential and come up with innovative solutions and ideas.

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Playing Self Determination Theory helped me stay focused on tasks and goals that I set for myself.

Improved my communication skills

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By playing Self Determination Theory he was able to build better relationships with others. This has been a great help in both his personal and professional life.

Improved relationships

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When you start to put the principles of Self-Determination Theory into practice, you learn to better relate to others.

Enhanced emotional well-being

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You learn to accept yourself and enjoy your genuine emotions. You value emotional experiences and use them to grow.

Improved decision-making abilities

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You are able to take responsibility for your decisions and take calculated risks. You learn to trust yourself, knowing that your decisions are guided by your values.

Improved social skills

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You develop better social skills, enabling you to better navigate your interactions with others and build meaningful relationships.