Credit: canva

By Ramsha Nayab

5 March, 2023

Discover Your Love Language and Connect with Your Partner!

Take the Love Language Quiz

The quiz asks how you prefer to receive love, such as whether you feel most loved through physical touch, words of affirmation, quality time or receiving gifts.

Credit: Canva

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eflect on Your Past Relationships

Think about past relationships and which actions or behaviors from your partner made you feel most loved and appreciated.

Credit: Canva

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Pay Attention to Your Reactions

Do you feel most loved and appreciated when your partner surprises you with a thoughtful gift or when they spend quality time with you?

Credit: Canva

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Physical Touch

This love language is all about the power of touch, and couples who value physical touch may hold hands, hug, or kiss each other frequently.

Credit: Canva

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Quality Time

Couples who value quality time may go on dates, take walks, or cuddle on the couch are the best.

Credit: Canva

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Receiving Gifts

Couples who express their love through gifts may surprise each other with small tokens of affection, such as flowers or their partner's favorite candy.

Credit: Canva

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Words of Affirmation

Couples who express their love through words of affirmation often use words like "I love you," "You mean the world to me," and "I appreciate you."

Credit: Canva

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Acts of Service

Couples who value acts of service appreciate the effort their partner puts into taking care of them,

Credit: Canva

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