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By Ramsha Nayab
Feb 4,2023
Credit: Canva
Most of us have been in a situation where someone made critical remarks about us, disguised as sarcasm or humor, to make us feel inferior or less secure. How to outsmart: Smile and put that person in the spotlight by asking them questions.
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Victimhood is designed to exploit your goodwill, guilty conscience, and protective and nurturing instinct to benefit personally. How to outsmart: Do not get emotionally involved or, better yet, let go of that relationship.
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This is a common one. Don’t you hate it when people play dumb to get away with something? Yeah, me too. How to outsmart: Judge people by their actions and not their intention.
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Credit: Canva
Credit: Canva
Giving the silent treatment by ignoring messages, calls, or questions to make you feel uncertain and to make you start doubting yourself. How to outsmart: Ignore it until it blows over.
Credit: Canva
Constantly marginalizing, ridiculing, and dismissing you to make you feel inferior and to make them feel superior. How to outsmart: Say thank you and get on with your life.
Credit: Canva