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Best Supportive Texts that Feel Like a Hug

By Ramsha Nayab

Jan 21,2023

\We’ll work on making the rest of today better.

When we have shitty days, we tend to laser-focus on the bad. We forget that the current mess isn’t the end of the world. A friendly reminder can help mitigate the sorrow.

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 I’m canceling my plans so we can spend time together.

Maybe your partner can’t think of anything but seeing you to make the day better. 

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I appreciate all you do for me/the family.

Reminding your partner that you see them – their efforts, contributions, sacrifices, etc. – will help them realize they’re valued where it counts. 

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Can I call you?

Sure, actually calling someone might be old-fashioned, but that it’s still a nice gesture.

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“Just wanted to let you know that you’re a great friend.”

You’ve told your friend that you understand when they had to raincheck on trivia night, but it might be nice for them to get your reminder that they’re a really good friend — even when they cancel plans.

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I’ve got you in my heart.

Or something similarly sweet. Feel free to tailor this phrase to suit your unique brand of ‘couples talk’, but keep the core notion in mind. 

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Do you want to talk about your day?

You don’t want to see your partner hurting. But, offering them the opportunity to dictate how they deal with the deconstruction of their crappy day can alleviate the potential stress of having to relive it all over too soon. 

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