Best "If, then" Algorithms that will change your Life
By Ramsha Nayab
Jan 19,2023
If you're pursuing a goal, then avoid telling people. It releases cheap dopamine and tricks your brain into thinking you've already achieved it (lowering motivation).
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If you've recently been destroyed by something, then realize this is the best time to transform your life. You get to write how the story ends.
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If you find yourself regretting past decisions, then stop. You made the best choice at the time, with the knowledge you had. Be at peace with it.
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If you're not in a peak mental state, then don't believe every thought or feeling you have. It's like grocery shopping on an empty stomach.
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If you find yourself stuck in a mental loop, then ask: "Is this useful?" and "Will I care about this in 1 year?"
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If you're comparing yourself to others, then stop. Trust me: they have their issues you'd never want. Only compare yourself to your former self.
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If you experience a beautiful life moment, then write it down. Save the memory and, one day, the memory might save you.